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Companies from Castilla y León

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  • ESA BIC Castilla y León
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ESA BIC Castilla y León

Castilla y León has been selected to host one of the first Spanish accelerators of aerospace projects in collaboration with the  European Space Agency  (ESA)

ESA's approval of the Castilla y León site is due to key factors such as:

  • The existence of an aerospace innovation pole, with a consolidated sector that covers a large part of the value chain.
  • The commitment of more than 50 public and private entities, which have shown their support to the ESA BIC Castilla y León initiative.
  • The previous experience of the Instituto para la Competitividad Empresarial de Castilla y León, both in accelerating business projects (first public accelerator in Spain), and in providing funding and services.
  • The specific characteristics of the territory of Castilla y León with favourable aerospace.

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ESA BIC CyL is an Incubation Centre located in Castilla y León aimed to support aspiring innovative startups projects linked to aerospace sector or technology, promoted by European Space Agency  (ESA) and the Junta de Castilla y León through the Instituto.

Our objective is to support innovative new business projects (startups) related to the SPACE in a broad sense for their growth and consolidation in Castilla y León.

We are looking for:

  • Companies or entrepreneurs registered no earlier than 5 years located in Castilla y León or determinated to do so.
  • Innovative projects with a high trained team and high growth potential.
  • Projects connected to space:
    • Downstream – Your idea is about utilising space systems or exploiting space technology in a non-space domain.
    • Upstream – Your idea is about exploiting new technology in the space domain, or you intend to be active as a supplier to the space sector.
  • Applicants must assume the project as their own in terms of risk, with a shareholding of more than 50%.
  • All documentation generated must be in English.

The other criteria for participation in this process are included in the documentation and in the Official Call supported by the ORDEN EYH/1400/2023 and by the subsequent incentives Call for proposals.

Call for proposals ESA BIC CyL   

  • Financial support of up to 50,000 € in order to be used for product development and/or IPR
  • Advanced Business Services (Wolaria Accelerator).
  • Specialised technical support, in collaboration with strategic partners in the sector, including technology testing and validation.
  • Legal advice necessary for, and directly related to the Activity.
  • Space and facilities under preferential conditions.
  • Support to financing seeking (Fast-track for certain financial actions such as participative loans, venture capital, investors network, EIC, regional grants, ...).
  • Participation in exclusive events and networking with strategic partners in the sector.


ESA BIC CyL offers space and facilities at favourable conditions in the following locations:


In addition to ESA BIC's own services, Castilla y León offers additional advantages, closely linked to ESA's choice of Castilla y León as the location for the ESA BIC accelerator:

- Aerospace Innovation Pole, where there are more than 50 entities, as strategic partners, committed to the ESA BIC initiative and where, in addition to large companies and startups, we count on:

  • The 9 universities in Castilla y León, 4 of them public universities. We draw attention to the agreements between ICE and the University of Léon and the University of Valladolid in the aerospace field.
  • The Network of Technological Centres of Castilla y León (NODDO) with specific technological capabilities in the aerospace field.
  • Relevant institutions linked to cybersecutity, ICT, aerospace and other disruptive technologies, such as INTA, INCIBE, the Pulsed Lasers Centre or the SCAYLE Supercomputing Centre, among others.

- Uniqueness of Castilla y León Region both in Spain and Europe, in terms of its large territory (the third largest in Europe) and low population density, with favourable aerospace.

- Singularly of Castilla y León in Spain and Europe, in terms of its large territory (the third largest in Europe) and low population density with favourable space market. 

- HAPs: A highlight is the agreement with ESA to develop technologies to improve communications through pseudo-satellites (HAP), large flying platforms up to 80 metres sized that can remain autonomously in the stratosphere for several months.

- ESA's Deep Space Antenna in Cebreros (Ávila): first in Europe and one of the three antennas worldwide for communications related to missions in very distant orbits or interplanetary probes.


How to take part in ESA BIC CyL Program?

  • Download the documents in  Call for proposals ESA BIC CyL and read them carefully
  • Check cut-off dates in each call
  • Contact us to discuss the essential parts of the initiative and to validate the connection to the aerospace and your company's potential eligibility (
  • Choose the Technology Park (León or Boecillo) where your project will be incubated
  • Complete all the required documents in  Call for proposals ESA BIC CyL
  • Submit your application together with the documents through the Incentives Processing Digital System  Call for proposals ESA BIC CyL


In this page you can find the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) and their answers regarding ESA BIC CyL`s incubation program and how to apply for it.

1 – Is ESA BIC CyL the right place for incubation of my startup? Is my Project a good fit for the ESA BIC?

Contact us and introduce us to your Project, so that we can see if it fits into ESA BIC CyL.

2 – Who can apply? Can I apply even if the Company is not yet established?

You can apply as an individual, as a team or as a Company.

If you apply as an individual or a team, if you are selected to enter ESA BIC CyL incubation program, you must be able to incorporate your startup before signing the Incubation Agreement.

If you are applying as a Company, your legal entity must be no more than 5 years old to be considered eligible.

3 What are the scheduled dates for the next all deadlines?

The cut-off dates will be regularly posted on this website.

4. What does the evaluation process look like? What is the Tender Evaluation Board?

The evaluation procedure is carried out in two staged:

First stage: The Tender Opening Board (TOB) takes place after the submission deadline is closed and it assesses if all formal requirements have been met. 

Second stage: The Tender Evaluation Board (TEB) meeting takes place after the TOB to evaluate the submitted documents and the start-ups’ performance at a pitch and Q&A session. The TEB evaluates each of the applicants against the evaluation criteria and takes a decision whether or not the startup will be invited to sign an incubation contract.

05 - What are the evaluation criteria?

The evaluation criteria are available in  Call for proposals ESA BIC CyL

06 - Can I re-apply if my application was rejected?

Yes! If your application is rejected, you will receive feedback that will help you improve it and re-apply within the next cut-off date.

07 - What does the grant consist of?

The incentive amounts to a maximum of 50,000 € of which 50% (25,000 €) is co-funded by Instituto.

08 - Can the incentive be spent outside of Spain?

Only in exceptional circumstances, when an appropriate product or service cannot be found in Spain. However, exceptions (10,000 €) should be discussed and approved by ESA BIC CyL in advance.

09 - What documents have to be submitted for the application?

The application documents are available in  Call for proposals ESA BIC CyL

10 - How should the application documents be sent?

The documents must be submitted within the current due date through the dedicated application form.

11 - In the incubation proposal, reference is made to requests for support. In addition to the services listed on the website, is there a list or directory from which to choose the services one desires to receive?

Each start-up/team must specify the type of support required (technical; IPR; business). If admitted to the program, a detailed work plan will be drafted during the kick-off.

12 - Will the Incubator or ESA take equity in the incubated company?



C/ Jacinto Benavente, 2, 47195-Arroyo de la Encomienda (Valladolid) 
Telephone: 983773378